When pure tri-color lasers meet young and creative "rising stars," what stunning sparks will fly? On March 20, global new media art platform MANA joined hands with Hisense's young tech fashion brand Vidda to host the "Light and Shadow Painting" Vidda Projection Art Contest. The contest will select creative young teams from major universities across the country to use Vidda's tri-color laser projection for digital media visual art creation, presenting an unprecedented visual feast for the audience! MANA, a leading global new media arts platform, works to establish an ecosystem of collaborative innovation across art, design, and technology. In recent years, MANA has continuously focused on tracking industry trends. Its goal is to increase the influence of original creations and intersections of art and technology. MANA also aims to provide a platform for exchange and mutual encouragement for people in the relevant fields. It hopes to empower outstanding creators. "The reason we chose Vidda as a partner is that we also noticed Vidda's new, edgy style and its brand attitude of 'playing with young people.' This helps us create unexpected, creative sparks." "We aim to connect with and inspire young people by discovering university students and emerging artists who create intriguing visuals using projection technology." According to a representative from Vidda, the event organizer, there are no restrictions on the theme or content of submissions. Vidda encourages creators to explore novel uses of trichromatic lasers and artistic expression in various settings and environments, "be it innovative modern art or a fresh take on traditional art forms." Vidda 与广州美院合作
过去,Vidda 多次与广州美术学院学生团队合作,使用三色激光投影制作 3D Mapping 数字艺术作品,如《须臾千载》和《珐琅——丝路之旅》。这些作品一经发布,便引起广泛关注。
《须臾千载》通过神像、艺术、音乐、光影和技术的互动,讲述了中国千年传统造像文化的演变。广州美术学院学生团队经过多次测试,最终选择了 Vidda 三色激光投影作为载体。Vidda 也助力该作品斩获 “第九届中国声音与音乐技术会议 CSMT2021 特等奖”、“2022 年 CGDA2022 视觉传达设计奖优秀奖” 等七项大奖。
Vidda 品牌理念
Vidda 是海信旗下的科技潮牌,致力于利用领先技术为年轻人打造性价比更高的产品,提升他们的生活品质。2022 年 5 月,Vidda 发布了全球首台 4K 三色激光投影,凭借 “不虚标” 的品牌态度赢得了业界和消费者的认可。
得益于海信 16 年的激光技术显示积淀,Vidda 随后发布的三色激光智能投影,如 C1 Pro,迅速获得市场认可。在短短一年内,Vidda 跻身 DLP 市场前四,成为消费电子市场增速最快的品牌。
此次大赛分为初赛作品提交、入围名单公布、决赛作品提交、获奖作品公布四个阶段。初赛作品提交截止日期为 4 月 15 日。大赛将设置一、二、三等奖及入围奖,获奖团队将分别获得奖金、Vidda 4K 三色激光投影等奖品。有想法的年轻创作者可以搜索 “MANA”,访问官网,在首页点击 “光影绘境”,了解详细的报名和参赛信息。