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TikTok Reveals Top 10 Most Popular Classics: "Journey to the West" Ranks Third

Sui Xin Wed, Apr 24 2024 06:32 AM EST

April 23rd News - On the 29th World Book Day, TikTok released the "2024 TikTok Reading Ecosystem Data Report," capturing the digital engagement with books over the past year.

Classics have regained popularity on TikTok, seeing a significant increase in attention, with a 48% increase in the total viewing time of related videos.

Short videos and live streams have become new gateways to these classic works. On TikTok, users can explore books through animated interpretations by authors, on-site visits to story settings, and other innovative approaches, offering a deeper understanding of the various aspects of the books.

Based on the cumulative views of classic book review videos, the top 10 most popular classics on TikTok are as follows:

"Dream of the Red Chamber," "To Live," "Journey to the West," "The Right Bank of the Argun," "Ordinary World," "Records of the Grand Historian," "Outlaws of the Marsh," "The Three-Body Problem," "The Art of War." s_63e75e49d60e434fb61fe28d14f2d48f.png Surprisingly, Shi Tiesheng has become the most popular writer on TikTok, with related videos totaling 186,000, a 192% increase, total viewing time up by 415%, and shares rising by 51%.

The top three age groups that prefer watching Shi Tiesheng's content are the post-2000s, post-1990s, and post-1980s generations.

It is understood that this popularity is closely linked to numerous recommendations of Shi Tiesheng on TikTok. Yu Hua's remark "Tiesheng is no longer with us" and other friendly interactions among writers have frequently been recreated by users on TikTok, accumulating 14.1 million likes.

Dong Yuhui also promoted "I and the Temple of Earth" during a 28-minute live stream, leading to sales of 252,000 copies and related videos garnering over 7.17 million views.

Additionally, reader reviews on TikTok have given rise to "bullet literature," allowing users to experience Shi Tiesheng's writing through 150 million views on the topic. s_667b0358a6ac4c6da70363ef2611d3ec.png