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The Story of Sha Guohe: Planting the Seeds of Science to Grow Towering Trees

SunDanNing,ChenSai Sat, May 11 2024 10:36 AM EST

Sha Guohe, a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a researcher at the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, is often associated with a series of "firsts" in the field. He is a physical chemist known for his pioneering research in chemical lasers, particularly in laser chemistry. Over more than six decades of scientific exploration, he has made systematic and innovative contributions to the field.

Beyond his scientific achievements, Sha Guohe is also affectionately known as "Grandpa Sha" among children. In his late sixties, he embarked on a new chapter in his life, driven by a clear vision to strengthen China's technological prowess—a dream that has become increasingly apparent to him over the years and one that he believes is shared by all technology workers. He stated, "Now, this dream needs to be passed on. Encouraging children to love and learn about science is my Chinese dream."

On May 7, 2024, Sha Guohe will celebrate his 90th birthday, still unwavering in his dream. He firmly believes that by planting the seeds of science, towering trees will grow... 66382d54e4b03b5da6d0e3ba.jpg Shaguohe's Homemade Popular Science Experimental Teaching Aids. Supplied by Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics

From Bookworm to Soldier

On May 7, 1934, Shaguohe was born in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China, showing extraordinary intelligence from a young age.

Growing up with six siblings, he was the third child in the family. In his memory, his parents were honest and upright, values that he considered a precious asset. These virtues not only influenced Shaguohe during his childhood but also carried through to his scientific career. He firmly believed, "Honesty and integrity are the soul of a scientist, and they are interconnected."

Shaguohe grew up in a well-off family; his father was a senior employee at Juxingcheng Bank. At the age of five and a half, he was enrolled in the prestigious Sichuan Shude Middle School, which was also the alma mater of Zhu De, followed by continuing his education at Chengdu Shishi Middle School. Both schools had a rich cultural heritage and rigorous academic atmosphere.

In this environment of learning and family, Shaguohe developed a strong interest in reading, delving not only into textbooks but also immersing himself in popular science literature, often losing track of time.

As he grew older, Shaguohe gradually clarified his ambition to contribute to the country with scientific knowledge.

However, in 1950, the outbreak of the Korean War disrupted the peace. The country urgently needed young people to join the military. Shaguohe, a high school sophomore with excellent grades, faced a crucial decision: to respond to the call of the country and enlist or to continue his studies?

After careful consideration, Shaguohe made a brave decision to "put down the pen and join the army." Despite the regrets and dissuasion from relatives and friends, he firmly stated, "The country needs young people to join the military to defend the nation. If everyone thinks their absence won't matter, how will the country be defended? I am still young, and it's not too late to go to university after the country is secure!"

In November 1950, at the age of only 16, Shaguohe decisively became a soldier at the Eighth Infantry School of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, embarking on rigorous military training. With his strong will, diligent training attitude, and high cultural literacy, Shaguohe was soon promoted to platoon leader.

During his time in the military, Shaguohe not only underwent strict military training but also was influenced by the exemplary qualities of revolutionary soldiers. He deeply realized, "At all times and in all places, individuals should prioritize the needs of the country. Only by closely aligning personal interests with national needs can true value be achieved." This principle became an important "guiding star" for his future life choices.

Answering the Nation's Call Multiple Times

In 1952, as the tension of the Korean War eased, superiors learned about Shaguohe's experience of joining the military and arranged for him to study at the Beijing Petroleum Institute. In 1957, with outstanding academic achievements, Shaguohe completed his studies. At that time, China faced a severe shortage of petroleum resources, which not only affected industrial production but also posed a serious threat to national security. To address this "oil crisis," the central government established the first petroleum research institution in New China in Dalian, known as the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (the predecessor of Dalian Chemical Physics Institute), and called for university graduates in relevant fields to participate in research in Dalian.

Without hesitation, Shaguohe signed up, giving up the opportunity to return to his hometown of Chengdu, and headed to the coastal city of Dalian, determined to go where the "homeland needed him the most."

As a talented graduate of the Beijing Petroleum Institute's synthetic petroleum department, Shaguohe was immediately assigned to tackle the most urgent task of synthesizing "coal gas into petroleum." He quickly achieved success. Coincidentally, the institute received instructions from the Chinese Academy of Sciences: the country urgently needed research on high-energy fuel synthesis (i.e., rocket propellants) and gas-phase detonation waves and high-temperature rapid reaction kinetics. With the urgency of the task, institute leaders, after careful consideration, believed Shaguohe was the right candidate among young researchers. When they approached Shaguohe, explained the situation, and sought his opinion, he readily accepted this completely unfamiliar task.

From then on, Shaguohe embarked on several "turns" in his research career. Transitioning from a familiar research field to new unknown territories required courage, determination, and perseverance. Like an indefatigable "engine," he devoted himself wholeheartedly to scientific research.

Following organizational requirements, Shaguohe subsequently shifted his research to various fields such as applied basics and fundamental research. Each significant change in research direction was met with no complaints but rather with eagerness.

For over 60 years, from "coal gas synthesis into petroleum" to "high-energy fuels"; from "shock tube chemical kinetics" to "new microwave absorbing materials"; from "chemical lasers, laser chemistry" to "molecular reaction kinetics"... He independently designed and installed China's first chemical shock tube, developed high-performance microwave absorbing materials, filling domestic gaps. He also participated in developing China's first chemical laser - the optically initiated hydrogen chloride pulsed chemical laser, conducting pioneering research on laser-supported shock wave plasma shielding effects. In his research on molecular energy transfer, he first experimentally demonstrated the quantum interference effect between single triplet energy transfer channels, making outstanding contributions to the development of China's high-power lasers.

"Learning what you don't know, you will eventually learn. In scientific research, one must not fear hardship!" Shaguohe often imparted this wisdom to his students. He not only said it but also lived by it. 66382cd1e4b03b5da6d0e3b6.jpg Saudi River is conducting experiments. Image provided by Dalian Chemical Physics Institute.

Reflecting on the scene when he entered the laboratory in 2000, a senior engineer at Dalian Chemical Physics Institute calmly remarked, "At that time, Professor Sha was already 66 years old, but he still maintained his passion and vitality for scientific research. Sometimes, he would even personally lead us to work overnight. His dedication and love for research deeply influenced every one of us students."

Planting the seeds of popular science in soil

In his late sixties, Saudi River's scientific life embarked on a new chapter.

It all started in 2005 when Saudi River was invited to Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps to give a popular science lecture to elementary school students. It was his first time teaching children, and as he looked at the mischievous and adorable kids brimming with curiosity and longing for science, Saudi River was deeply moved. He recalled his own childhood, where he made ink at home and even built a wireless radio that could pick up Xi'an broadcasts in Chengdu. It was through these scientific experiments in his youth that Saudi River felt the infinite charm of science and fell in love with it.

Thus, in his twilight years, Saudi River had a new "dream" - he wanted to bring science into the world of more children. "Children are naturally curious and innovative. With enlightenment, guidance, and development, they will develop a strong interest in science. When they grow up, they may become science enthusiasts, inventors, and the successors of our scientific endeavors."

With his idea set, Saudi River wasted no time and immediately bought textbooks for elementary and middle school students to study. "His dedication was no less than that of doing scientific research," recalled Cui Rongrong, an assistant and senior experimentalist at Dalian Chemical Physics Institute.

Saudi River personally made many experimental equipment. His office, which was less than 10 square meters, was filled with various materials, sometimes leaving no space for visitors.

This "dream" has lasted for nearly 20 years. Saudi River brought experimental devices such as lasers, high-voltage electrostatic precipitators, and flat Madelbrot hemispheres, which had only appeared in textbooks before, like "magic tricks" in front of children. With these tools, he visited more than a dozen elementary and middle schools, delivering over a hundred popular science lectures.

Under the leadership of Academician Saudi River, the first Youth Popular Science Academician Workstation in the country was established in Dalian. Rain or shine, he appeared at the workstation every week, personally conducting lectures and demonstrating experiments. Saudi River was also awarded the "Lifetime Achievement Award" for his outstanding contributions to youth popular science work in Dalian. 66382ce0e4b03b5da6d0e3b8.jpg Shaguo River works at the Academician Workstation. Image provided by Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics.

In addition to popular science, since 2005, Shaguo River and his wife Yu Daorong have continuously sponsored over 20 impoverished students in Xinjiang, Sichuan, Dalian, and other places to improve their lives and complete their studies, with a cumulative sponsorship amount of tens of thousands of yuan.

Academician Shaguo River once said, "The country has nurtured me, so I also want to repay the country. There are many ways for scientists to serve the country, and inspiring children to love natural sciences is one of them. Engaging in popular science education is not only a national need but also the responsibility of academicians, and it brings me joy."

In 2021, Academician Shaguo River was awarded the title of "Most Beautiful Science and Technology Worker" in the country. The award citation praised him, "In his old age, he does not retire. You use a childlike heart to forever spread the light of science."

This elderly academician, in his advanced years, continues to uphold and pass on his love for the country and his belief in serving the country through science and technology in an extremely "simple" way.