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The 10th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Control, and Robotics Technology Held

ZhuHanBin Sun, Apr 14 2024 10:30 AM EST

Recently, the 10th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Control, and Robotics Technology, jointly organized by South China Agricultural University and the IEEE International Association of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, was held at the Engineering Auditorium of South China Agricultural University. Hu Chuanshuang, Executive Vice Dean of the Science Research Institute of South China Agricultural University, delivered a welcome speech on behalf of the university, while Professor Chun-yi Su from Concordia University in Canada, the chair of the conference, delivered the opening remarks on behalf of the organizing committee. 66172fbde4b03b5da6d0c9fb.jpg The event scene. Image provided by South China Agricultural University.

The conference, adopting a hybrid format of both online and offline participation, attracted experts and scholars from Canada, the UK, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, Russia, and other regions, as well as over 200 graduate students and experts from universities such as Beijing Institute of Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Dalian University of Technology, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, and Shanghai Jiao Tong University. The conference was chaired by Li Jun, Executive Vice Dean of the School of Engineering at South China Agricultural University.

Distinguished experts such as Professor Wei-Hsin Liao from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Professor Shane Xie from the University of Leeds in the UK, and Professor Liu Yu from South China University of Technology delivered keynote speeches on cutting-edge topics such as "Assistive and Load-bearing Robotic Exoskeletons for Mobility" and "Advanced Robotics for Enhanced Autonomous and Intelligent Medical Rehabilitation," as well as "Intelligent Control, Vision Detection, and Fusion Localization in Robotics."

In addition, experts including Associate Professor Huang Tao from Chongqing University, Associate Professor U Kei Cheang from Southern University of Science and Technology, Associate Professor Kang Xiaoyang from Fudan University, Associate Professor Zhu Yongli from Sun Yat-sen University, and Associate Professor Farhad Shahnia from Murdoch University in Australia delivered invited presentations on topics such as "Friction Compensation for Precision Transmission Mechanisms Driven by Integrated Model and Data-Driven Approaches," "Manufacture, Functionalization, and Control of Chiral Micro-Swimmers Driven by Magnetic Actuation," "Brain-Machine Interface Control of Hybrid Exoskeletons and Unmanned Systems," "Research Progress on Open Source Tools for Grid Reliability Assessment," and "Roles of Microgrids and Virtual Power Plants in Decarbonization."

The conference also featured a forum for young scholars and multiple technical sub-sessions, where participants engaged in rich exchanges and discussions on frontier topics including "Advanced Technologies for Spatial Perception and Robust Autonomous Navigation," "Sensing Technologies and Big Data Processing for Advanced Agricultural Robotics," "Learning and Control of Robot Interaction Systems," "Nonlinear System Control Based on Neural Networks," "Design and Mobile Control of Intelligent Robot Systems," "Modern Power Systems and Control Technologies," and "Development of Robotics and Intelligent Systems."