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Special Deployment of Party Discipline Learning and Education Work by the National Natural Science Foundation Committee

GanXiao Sun, Apr 21 2024 10:44 AM EST

On April 17th, the National Natural Science Foundation Committee (referred to as the Natural Science Foundation Committee) convened a party group meeting to specifically deploy the work of party discipline learning and education. The meeting focused on mobilizing and deploying the implementation of the requirements of the Circular on Carrying out Party Discipline Learning and Education throughout the Party issued by the General Office of the CPC Central Committee.

Dou Xiankang, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Natural Science Foundation Committee, presided over the meeting and delivered a mobilization speech. Members of the party group and relevant comrades from the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission stationed at the Ministry of Science and Technology attended the meeting.

The meeting pointed out that carrying out party discipline learning and education is an important political task of the whole Party and a significant measure to strengthen the Party's discipline construction and promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party.

The meeting emphasized the need to accurately grasp the target requirements, implement various work arrangements, base the work on the reality of scientific fund management, and promote the effectiveness of party discipline learning and education. It is necessary to adhere to learning the party discipline in its original form, comprehensively understand key points, relate to practical situations, and enrich learning methods, so that the process of learning party discipline becomes a process of enhancing discipline awareness and improving ideological cultivation. This should guide party members and cadres to learn, understand, and abide by the discipline, internalize external requirements into conscious actions, further strengthen discipline awareness, enhance self-restraint, improve immunity, and strengthen political determination, discipline determination, moral determination, and anti-corruption determination, effectively achieving awe, caution, and adherence to bottom lines.

The meeting demanded close integration with reality, promoting mutual promotion and integration, closely combining the conduct of party discipline learning and education with the annual scientific fund project evaluation work, and adhering to the principle of "both hands grasping, no mistakes, and mutual promotion." It is necessary to cultivate a culture of integrity, purify the evaluation environment, strengthen the construction of a clean culture for the scientific fund in the new era, take the opportunity of conducting party discipline learning and education to further deepen the special rectification work for experts who have been "given advance notice," and create a clean and upright evaluation environment.

The meeting reviewed and approved the "Work Plan of the National Natural Science Foundation Committee for Party Discipline Learning and Education."