On March 15th, reports emerged on Weibo about the trending topic "Replica LV packaging for only $30."
According to several domestic media outlets, a seller claimed that a complete set of replica LV packaging, including tags, box, bag, manual, warranty card, and receipts, can be obtained for just $30.
Lawyers say that sellers of counterfeit luxury goods may face not only civil and administrative liabilities but also potential criminal charges.
Experts note that in recent years, there has been a continual increase in consumer demand for luxury items. The avenues for purchasing such goods have also diversified, ranging from official retail stores to major e-commerce platforms, from overseas purchasing agents to the second-hand market.
Regardless of the channel through which luxury goods are purchased, their prices are unlikely to be lower than those offered by official retail stores, malls, and websites at the production site. Before making a purchase, it's advisable to research the prices at the source, avoiding suspiciously low-priced items.
When opting for cross-border online shopping, consumers should verify the qualifications and credibility of the e-commerce platform and preferably choose to buy directly from reputable websites.