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Redmi First to Feature Snapdragon 8s Gen 3: New Device Not Called Note 13 Turbo

Zhen Ting Sat, Mar 23 2024 09:05 AM EST

March 18th News, Xiaomi's Wang Teng announced that Redmi will be the first to carry Qualcomm's third-generation Snapdragon 8s mobile platform.

Wang Teng introduced that the Redmi terminal carrying the third-generation Snapdragon 8s is a new series of products. This is the first time that the Snapdragon 8 series has landed on the mid-range, and Redmi will reshape the mid-range performance pattern. s_d4d046472b8d41a0bdf5a84f98ac0c59.jpg

Redmi Note 13 Turbo 不复存在,Redmi 中档新系列首发骁龙 8s Gen3

知情人士 Digital Chat Station 透露,传闻中的 Redmi Note 13 Turbo 已取消,Redmi 中端新系列将搭载第三代骁龙 8s 移动平台。

据悉,骁龙 8s Gen3 采用 4nm 工艺制程,采用 1+4+3 设计。CPU 包括一个 X4(3.0GHz)超大核、四个 A720(2.8GHz)大核和三个 A520(2.0GHz)小核。

此外,骁龙 8s Gen3 集成了骁龙 X70 5G 调制解调器及射频系统,支持 HBS 的 Wi-Fi 7 解决方案和无损高清视频等特性。

分析师 Wang Teng 指出,高通将新 8 系 8s Gen3 定位在最新一代旗舰平台 8 Gen3 和上一代旗舰 8 Gen2 之间,是一款新一代旗舰平台。 s_b26767ca062c4bc6a4d1a111e9787826.jpg

