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Recently, Lin Shengcai, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and professor at the School of Life Sciences of Xiamen University, sparked controversy by suggesting that one should not eat more than two meals a day.

Noir Mon, Apr 22 2024 08:21 PM EST

Lin Shengcai pointed out that it is definitely not advisable to eat more than two meals a day. Of course, some people may feel dizzy if they skip breakfast, and they are not suitable for this practice. It should vary from person to person, but there is no need to eat more than two meals a day.

He even suggested that skipping a meal or only eating one meal a day is acceptable, even on weekends.

He explained: "Nature seems to have left a rule that people need moderate hunger, which triggers biological reactions and promotes the production of longevity factors. From a molecular mechanism perspective, our research shows that hunger does promote health and longevity."

However, Lin Shengcai emphasized that the "two meals a day" rule does not apply to everyone, especially to special groups such as children, pregnant and lactating women, patients with diseases, and laborers. Their dietary arrangements should follow the advice of professional doctors or nutritionists.

When it comes to scientific claims, one cannot generalize. For example, regarding the issue of carbohydrates, you absolutely cannot listen to online claims that not eating carbohydrates will kill you or that ketogenic foods are poisonous. Similarly, with the debate about low sugar, some say that red meat is bad, white meat is bad, while plant oils are good, then plant oils are bad, and cholesterol is bad. It's all back and forth. In the end, it all boils down to one thing: eat simply and balancedly. There are no magical foods in the world. Eating a balanced diet is the key to good health. s_5053bdb93d59412794cd653d77c7e310.png