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Rabies Kills How Many People Each Year: Almost 100% Fatality Rate, Prevention is Key

La Mu Sat, Jul 27 2024 10:44 PM EST

On May 23rd, it was reported that rabies is an acute infectious disease with an almost 100% fatality rate once symptoms appear. There is no specific treatment for rabies, and currently, the only effective prevention method is vaccination against rabies.

So, how many people does rabies kill each year? Data shows that approximately 59,000 people die from rabies globally every year, with the majority of cases occurring in Asia and Africa. In China, rabies deaths consistently rank among the top 5 notifiable infectious diseases.

An epidemiological analysis revealed that 91.67% of rabies cases in China are caused by dogs, with half of them being domestic dogs. Shockingly, incidents where one dog bites multiple people account for 17.39% of cases. It's important to note that rabies is not exclusive to stray dogs; even domestic dogs can be infected.

Not only dogs but also many other warm-blooded animals can transmit rabies, including cats, wolves, foxes, and even bats. Symptoms of rabies include extreme fear, restlessness, hydrophobia, aerophobia, followed by muscle spasms, paralysis, and respiratory failure.

Rabies is a preventable but incurable disease. Once symptoms manifest, there is no cure. Therefore, if bitten or scratched by animals like dogs or cats, immediate wound care (rinse with alternating clean water and soapy water), seek medical attention, and receive rabies vaccination (the WHO-recommended "Ten-Day Observation Method") are crucial steps to take. Do not take any chances with rabies. ceacff17-6701-456a-8675-5bc0b490efed.jpg
