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Official Answer: What to Do When a Car Catches Fire Inside a Tunnel

Sui Xin Mon, Mar 25 2024 09:38 AM EST

On March 25th, it was asked: What should you do when you encounter a car on fire while driving inside a tunnel? Should you charge forward or retreat?

Today, Zhejiang Traffic Police provided an official answer through a real-life incident to explain the correct course of action.

It was reported that on the morning of March 19th at 12:00, a car caught fire suddenly underneath the chassis inside the Maocaojian Tunnel on the S26 Zhuyong Expressway. The fire quickly spread, engulfing the entire vehicle, while the driver escaped by jumping out. 26155e964d8c480181aefbdad2f782fe.gif Soon after, thick smoke filled the entire tunnel, causing visibility to plummet. The traffic behind was forced to come to a halt, with over 30 vehicles trapped inside the tunnel, making the situation extremely dire. The Highway Patrol Command Center promptly activated the emergency response plan. Upon arrival at the scene, they proceeded to systematically knock on the windows of the stranded vehicles, guiding the passengers to evacuate quickly to the rear of the tunnel. 4a7dd96740c941a182e55997403055ab.gif Under the guidance of safety personnel, stranded passengers were evacuated from the vehicle and safely led out of the tunnel. The fire was successfully extinguished one hour later. A reminder from the traffic police: If encountering a fire inside a tunnel as a passing driver, never stay inside the vehicle to watch. Instead, take immediate action. You can leave the car keys inside and guide passengers to evacuate quickly to the tunnel's exterior.