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Notice on Initiating Application for Provincial Science and Technology Plan Projects in Gansu Province for the Year 2024

Sun, Mar 10 2024 02:43 PM EST

Gansu Sci-Tech Notice [2024] No. 5

To: Science and Technology Bureaus of all cities and prefectures, Lanzhou New Area Science and Technology Development Bureau, relevant provincial departments, central units in Gansu, universities, research institutions, enterprises, and concerned entities:

In line with the important remarks on scientific and technological innovation by General Secretary Xi Jinping and the significant instructions and directives on Gansu's development, as well as to thoroughly implement the spirit of the Central and Provincial Economic Work Conference, accelerate the development of new productive forces, and facilitate the implementation of tasks outlined in the provincial government's work report, in accordance with the spirit of the Gansu Province Strong Science and Technology Action Promotion Conference and the Science and Technology (Patent) Award Ceremony, the organization of application work for provincial science and technology plan projects for the year 2024 is hereby notified as follows:

1. Plan Arrangements

The provincial science and technology plan projects adhere to both target-oriented and demand-driven approaches. They deepen consultation mechanisms between science and technology departments, industry regulatory departments, and local governments, jointly refining technological demands, designing R&D tasks, and organizing project implementation. In accordance with the management measures and implementation rules of provincial science and technology plan projects, the projects for the year 2024 are divided into five categories for open solicitation. Innovation entities and scientists shall apply for projects according to the project guidelines, and relevant units shall organize and guide project application and review and recommend them as per regulations. Project management departments will then handle acceptance and review based on the management system.

(1) Major Science and Technology Special Projects

Focused on the needs of high-quality economic and social development in our province, major efforts will be made in key industries and fields to carry out major technology breakthroughs, technological achievements transformation, major technological product development, and major technological infrastructure construction. This will result in the formation of innovative products, complete equipment, and integrated innovation systems with strong leadership, wide coverage, and high integration, achieving autonomy and control in key core technology areas, key components, and major equipment. This category includes five aspects: industrial fields, agricultural fields, social development fields, international cooperation fields, and technology achievement transformation guidance special projects (Innovation special projects for Lanzhou and Baiyin districts). (See Annex 1 for application guidelines)

(2) Key R&D Programs

Focused on the needs of economic and social development in our province, as well as technological development advantages and key directions, efforts will be made to promote the technological advancement of traditional industries and the cultivation of emerging industries. This will involve conducting social welfare-oriented technological innovations, fully leveraging the research advantages of scientific research institutions, universities, hospitals, and technology-based enterprises, strengthening industry and regional collaborative innovation, focusing on breakthroughs in frontier and leading technologies, promoting new breakthroughs in key core technologies in key areas, and cultivating new momentum for development. This category includes five aspects: industrial fields, agricultural fields, social development fields, international cooperation fields, and provincial ecological civilization construction key research and development special projects. (See Annex 2 for application guidelines)

(3) Technology Innovation Guidance Programs

Focused on the demand for technological innovation activities in industries, enterprises, and regions, support will be provided for collaborative innovation activities with enterprises as the main body, accelerating the transfer and application of scientific and technological achievements. This category includes eight aspects: enterprise R&D activities special projects, technology-based small and medium-sized enterprise innovation fund special projects, technology commissioners special projects, rural revitalization special projects, east-west science and technology cooperation special projects, science and technology envoys (groups) special projects, provincial scientific research institutes' innovation capacity building special projects, and science popularization development special projects. (See Annex 3 for application guidelines)

(4) Basic Research Programs

Encouraging the organic combination of free exploration and target orientation, efforts will focus on major key technological issues in our province, strengthening basic research in strategic emerging industries and other areas, and enhancing the source supply capacity of science and technology. This aims at basic research and applied basic research in the natural science field of our province, cultivating scientific and technological talents and innovation teams, and providing theoretical basis, talent reserves, and development momentum for enhancing the independent innovation capacity of our province. This category includes two aspects: natural science funds and soft science special projects, including general projects, young science and technology fund projects, key projects, outstanding young scientist fund projects, basic research innovation groups projects, outstanding doctoral projects, in-station postdoctoral special projects, and experimental animal special projects. (See Annex 4 for application guidelines)

(5) Science and Technology Innovation Talent Programs

With the belief that talent is the primary resource, efforts will focus on creating a conducive environment for talent development and implementing national and provincial strategies for scientific and technological and talent development. This involves discovering, cultivating, and nurturing a group of high-level talents, outstanding young talents, and leading talents in scientific and technological innovation through talent introduction, training, and utilization. This aims to accelerate the formation of an important talent center and innovation highland in the western region. The provincial science and technology innovation talent plan will support outstanding scientific and technological innovation talents working in Gansu, engaging in scientific and technological innovation activities in the fields of natural science and engineering technology, solving key common technical problems in our province's economic and social development, as well as basic research and frontier technology issues. This category includes three aspects: chief scientist projects, science and technology leading talents projects, and high-skilled talent special projects. (See Annex 5 for application guidelines)

2. Application Process

  1. Online Application: Project applicants log in to the Gansu Provincial Science and Technology Department website and enter the "Gansu Provincial Science and Technology Management Information System" (website: https://xm.gskeju.cn). They select different types of plans, fill out the corresponding project application forms, upload attachment materials (video duration: 3 to 5 minutes, not exceeding 30M; photos: up to 3, not exceeding 10M), and then submit the project application forms online. The deadline for online submission of application forms is 6:00 PM on April 10, 2024. (See Annex 6 for application process)

  2. Review and Recommendation: Projects applied by central units stationed in Gansu, provincial undergraduate colleges, and directly affiliated institutions are reviewed and recommended by their respective units. Projects applied by provincial scientific research institutions, vocational colleges, enterprises, and other institutions are reviewed and recommended by industry regulatory departments. Projects applied by research institutions and enterprises in cities and prefectures (Lanzhou New Area) are reviewed and recommended by the science and technology bureaus of each city and prefecture (Lanzhou New Area). All recommending units shall complete the online review and recommendation work by 6:00 PM on April 12, 2024. Late submissions will not be accepted.

  3. Document Submission: After online project application, upon completion of review and recommendation by recommending units, initial review by project management professional institutions, and acceptance by the competent business department, the project applicants shall print the paper application form (1 copy) online. Before 6:00 PM on April 15, 2024, the recommending units shall uniformly submit the project recommendation documents and project application forms to the project



1. 申请单位要求:

  • 申请单位必须是在省内注册并具有独立法人资格的高等学校、科技研发机构或企业等,具备较强的创新能力、研发投入、人才团队和科研基础条件,并管理规范。

  • 申请单位对项目和材料的真实性负责。如发现项目或材料存在虚假情况,将不予立项,并将申请单位列入科研失信记录。

  • 企业申请单位需如实填报上一年度的基本财务信息。

  • 申请单位信誉良好,没有科研失信记录或社会信用“黑名单”记录。

2. 项目申请人要求:

  • 项目负责人应为申请单位在职人员,具备领导和组织开展创新性研究的能力,并为项目主要研究思路的提出者和实际研究的科技人员。

  • 达到法定退休年龄的人员在项目实施期间不得作为项目负责人申请项目。

  • 外籍科技人员在甘肃工作并作为项目负责人申请项目时,项目实施周期应在其聘用合同规定的期限内,需提供聘用合同作为附件。

  • 2024年度计划项目的负责人仅限申请一项。

  • 申请人需严格遵守科研伦理相关规定。

3. 推荐单位要求:

  • 协助省科技厅组织实施2024年省级科技计划项目申请工作,负责审核申请单位和申请人信息的真实性和合规性,以及项目的必要性和可行性。

  • 督促申请单位(申请人)按要求填写申请材料,并按时审核推荐项目,向省科技厅报送推荐函(附带项目汇总表)。

4. 其他要求:

  • 同一项目不得由多个单位申请,已获得财政资助的项目不得重复申请,也不得在省级科技计划中重复申请。

  • 申请项目需严格按要求提供相关附件和证明材料,并在线上传。

  • 获得财政资助200万元及以上的项目需设立科研助理岗位,安排科研助理提供项目服务。

  • 涉密项目不得在甘肃省科技管理信息系统中申请,需按照相关保密要求申请。





Special Declaration

The Department of Science and Technology of Gansu Province has never authorized any organization or individual to act as an agent for project application on behalf of project applicants. Project applicants must independently fill out project application forms. Any purchase or commission of project application writing, or provision of false certification materials, once discovered and verified, will be deemed as fraudulent obtaining of financial funds. Such cases will not be accepted, and the application qualifications will be canceled or the approved projects will be revoked, and dealt with seriously according to regulations. Those with relevant information can report to the Policy, Regulation, and Technology Supervision Department of the Department of Science and Technology of Gansu Province. The reporting hotline is: 0931-8834614.


  1. Guidelines for Project Application for Provincial Science and Technology Plans (Major Science and Technology Special Projects) in 2024

  2. Guidelines for Project Application for Provincial Science and Technology Plans (Key Research and Development Projects) in 2024

  3. Guidelines for Project Application for Provincial Science and Technology Plans (Technology Innovation Guidance Projects) in 2024

  4. Guidelines for Project Application for Provincial Science and Technology Plans (Basic Research Projects) in 2024

  5. Guidelines for Project Application for Provincial Science and Technology Plans (Science and Technology Innovation Talent Plan) in 2024

  6. Flowchart for Project Application of Provincial Science and Technology Plans in 2024

For details of the attachments, please click the link below:

Attachment Details Link

Department of Science and Technology, Gansu Province

March 8, 2024