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Minister of Human Resources and Social Security: Strengthening Policies and Measures to Promote Youth Employment This Year

XuXueYing,LiuLiang Sun, Mar 10 2024 02:34 PM EST

Beijing, March 9th (Xu Xueying, Liu Liang) - "We are confident and have the foundation to maintain a stable employment situation," said Wang Xiaoping, the Minister of Human Resources and Social Security, in Beijing when discussing employment issues. She pointed out that this year, efforts will be intensified to promote youth employment policies and measures, expand market-oriented channels, stabilize the scale of public positions, and optimize full-cycle employment and entrepreneurship guidance services.

During the press conference on livelihood themes held at the second session of the 14th National People's Congress today, Wang Xiaoping reported that China's employment market has had a good start this year. Businesses are resuming operations, the movement of migrant workers returning to their jobs is stable and orderly, and the activity level of job seeking and recruitment has increased. There is a strong demand for professionals in artificial intelligence, big data, and other fields. The demand in service industries such as healthcare, accommodation and catering, cultural tourism has risen, with a significant increase in recruitment needs among small and micro enterprises, and a rapid rise in demand for technical and skilled positions. 65ec61ade4b03b5da6d0afd4.jpeg On March 9, the second session of the 14th National People's Congress held a press conference in Beijing. Wang Xiaoping, Minister of Human Resources and Social Security, answered questions from journalists. The photo was taken by He Penglei, a journalist from China News Service.

She stated that, looking at the trends, the fundamentals of China's long-term economic improvement remain unchanged. There are many favorable conditions for doing well in employment work, and China is confident and well-prepared to maintain a stable employment situation. However, it's also clear that the overall pressure on employment in China hasn't diminished, with structural contradictions still to be resolved. Some workers face difficulties in finding jobs, and more efforts are needed to stabilize employment.

Speaking of the focus on employment work this year, she mentioned that efforts will be made in five aspects: stabilizing employment positions, expanding employment channels, enhancing employment skills, optimizing employment services, and protecting key groups.

In terms of protecting key groups, she noted that this year, the number of college graduates in China will reach 11.79 million. To address this, policies and measures to promote youth employment will be strengthened, market-oriented channels will be expanded, the scale of public positions will be stabilized, and employment and entrepreneurship guidance services throughout the entire cycle will be optimized. Solid efforts will be made to ensure the employment of key groups such as veterans and migrant workers, strengthen employment assistance for persons with disabilities and other people in difficulty, and firmly protect the baseline of people's livelihoods.

Regarding stabilizing employment positions, she said that securing positions is the foundation of stabilizing employment. This year, China will continue to reduce the rates of unemployment and work injury insurance, implement and improve policies such as stabilizing job returns, special loans, and employment and social security subsidies, to better release policy dividends. In terms of expanding employment channels, Wang Xiaoping indicated that support for private economy, small and medium-sized enterprises, and other business entities with a large employment capacity will be strengthened, vigorously cultivating new growth points for employment such as the digital economy, silver economy, and green economy. Efforts will be increased in guarantee loans, tax and fee reductions, and venue arrangements to unleash the potential of entrepreneurship to drive employment. (End)