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Maternal Diet May Influence Offspring's Appearance

ZhangMengRanZhaoWeiHua Sun, Mar 31 2024 11:18 AM EST

6606c34ae4b03b5da6d0c02f.png An international research team published a study in Nature Communications finding that the amount of protein consumed by pregnant women can affect the facial development of their offspring. Through gene sequencing of embryonic facial tissue, as well as experiments on mice and zebrafish, the researchers discovered that the mTORC1 pathway plays a role in regulating early skeletal formation. Activation of this pathway leads to larger facial features, while deactivation results in elongated facial features. Further experiments suggested that a high-protein diet might activate the mTORC1 pathway, thereby influencing facial development, such as reducing jaw size and enlarging nasal sacs. This study highlights the importance of nutritional intake during pregnancy on fetal development, particularly the potential impact of protein intake on facial features, offering a new perspective for dietary recommendations during pregnancy and fetal health research.