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Man Dies of Rabies After Being Bitten by Dog: WHO Recommends "Ten-Day Observation Method"

La Mu Sat, Apr 13 2024 07:17 AM EST

On April 13th, it was reported that being scratched or bitten by animals like dogs or cats should never be taken lightly. While there might not be immediate issues, rabies has a dormant period that can last for several years. Once it manifests, the fatality rate can be as high as 99%!

According to reports, on March 27th of this year, a 48-year-old male patient was admitted to the Infectious Disease Department of the First People's Hospital of Hangzhou. Upon examination, the man was restless and agitated, complaining of a persistent low-grade fever, tightness in the throat, and thirst, yet expressing extreme fear of drinking water.

Experienced doctors suspected a rabies virus infection despite the patient's denial of recent dog bites. Through cerebrospinal fluid NGS testing, the virus was confirmed in his body.

During a follow-up call, the patient's wife revealed that he had passed away. She also disclosed that he had been bitten by a dog several years ago but hadn't taken it seriously at the time and had experienced no apparent issues, gradually forgetting about the incident. s_4f3897d745e847f1810e16799272a810.jpg It is reported that rabies is an acute infectious disease shared by humans and animals. After onset, individuals may exhibit high levels of fear, restlessness, hydrophobia, and aerophobia, gradually accompanied by symptoms such as spasms of the throat muscles, paralysis, and respiratory center paralysis.

This disease is preventable but not curable. Once contracted, there is no cure. Therefore, if bitten or scratched by animals such as dogs or cats, it is essential to promptly treat the wound and receive rabies vaccination (the WHO-recommended "ten-day observation method" can be employed), without harboring any illusions of luck. s_6133c66759a14e8fac54e0f932a1a3c5.jpg



