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Long March 8 Improved Rocket Completes Fairing Separation Test with a Length of 13 Meters and Diameter of 5.2 Meters!

Shang Fang Wen Q Tue, Mar 26 2024 06:36 AM EST

On March 24th, according to the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, the Long March 8 improved rocket, led by one of its institutes, successfully completed a fairing separation test with dimensions measuring 13 meters in length and 5.2 meters in diameter. Additionally, it underwent a joint operation test with a new type of satellite launch vehicle.

Currently, the design, separation scheme, maximum available envelope, and joint operation procedures of the fairing for Long March 8 have all been thoroughly validated. With the successful fairing separation test, Long March 8 will now transition into the phase of its inaugural flight test. S8842d4c9-b07e-4c67-88e5-6fc6d8dd5f18.jpg The separation test of the fairing in this session validated the correctness of the fairing separation scheme and its adaptability to the maximum envelope of the satellite. It determined the maximum available envelope for the fairing.

The joint satellite-rocket operation test, serving as a pre-separation test for the fairing, verified the correctness of the joint satellite-rocket operation process and the compatibility of interfaces.

Subsequently, the development team will continue to complete modal tests, factory tests, and integrated rehearsals at the launch site. It is expected that the first flight will take place in Wenchang, Hainan, in the second half of 2024. fb652c001d394be4afc239cb8f971878.gif Just recently, the Long March 8 upgrade II sublevel and the second ignition test of the universal hydrogen-oxygen upper stage were successfully completed, marking the smooth conclusion of over two months of comprehensive system testing for the universal hydrogen-oxygen upper stage.

This marks the first hydrogen-oxygen module propulsion system test in the country in the past decade, and the first common bottom module propulsion system test in 30 years, laying a solid foundation for the entire development work and subsequent maiden flights of the models.

The Long March 8 upgrade is an improvement based on the basic version of the Long March 8, aimed at future low-orbit large-scale constellation deployment needs. It boasts a 7-ton-level payload capacity to a 700-kilometer sun-synchronous orbit and is adaptable to two diameters of payload fairings, 4.2 meters and 5.2 meters. It features characteristics such as "advanced performance, low cost, high reliability, and rapid launch," making it one of China's future mainstay rockets for medium to low orbits.

The Long March 8 series of rockets will provide a gradient of payload capacities covering 3 tons, 5 tons, and 7 tons to a 700-kilometer sun-synchronous orbit, meeting the diverse needs of different users for constellation deployment launches. fcbca42c-8b58-4b92-98d8-a9fba3fc96f4.png