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Let's Collaborate, Not Conspire! BYD Discusses PR Incidents in the Automotive Industry

Wang Lve Sun, Mar 17 2024 09:32 AM EST

March 17th, 2024 - During the recent China Electric Vehicle Summit (2024), Li Yunfei, General Manager of Brand and Public Relations at BYD, addressed the issue of negative public relations in the automotive sector, emphasizing the importance of collaboration over deceit.

Li Yunfei emphasized that in the current competitive landscape of the automotive industry, it's acceptable to compete on technology, products, marketing, services, and even pricing.

However, resorting to unethical practices or engaging in illegal activities, such as sabotage, is intolerable.

As a solution, he proposed that more Chinese corporate brands should unite to build respected global brands together.

Earlier, Li Yunfei had expressed his views on this matter, stating that while competing on product quality and innovation deserves applause, lowering ethical standards is contemptible.

Acknowledging the immense pressures faced by businesses today, he stressed the importance of conducting business legally, ethically, and with integrity. He urged companies to provide value to consumers through their actions, avoiding misleading or deceiving practices.

In essence, Li Yunfei advocates for competition that benefits consumers and elevates industry standards, rather than engaging in destructive zero-sum games that harm both the industry and individual companies. S305eb43c-39de-419b-80d8-97df433b3aef.png