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Launch of the 2024 "Scientific Life Centennial" Theme Promotion Campaign

NiSaiJie Wed, May 29 2024 10:52 AM EST

On May 28th, the Committee on Scientific Ethics and Integrity of the Chinese Academy of Sciences launched the 2024 "Scientific Life Centennial" theme promotion campaign at the Academic Hall of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. In 2024, 19 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences will celebrate their centenary, including recipients of the "Two Bombs, One Satellite Meritorious Medal" Deng Jiaxian and Zhu Guangya, as well as recipients of the National Highest Science and Technology Award Min Enze and Zheng Zhemin. They have devoted their lifelong efforts and made outstanding contributions to the innovative development and self-reliance of China's science and technology undertakings in their respective fields.

During the launch ceremony, Academician Hu Haiyan, Director of the Committee on Scientific Ethics and Integrity of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, delivered a speech. He emphasized that the 19 centenarian academicians have made significant contributions to China's science and technology endeavors and serve as exemplars of scientific spirit and research ethics. Scientific achievements are inseparable from spiritual support, and the era calls for the spirit of scientists. It is essential to pay tribute to the older generation of scientists, learn from their spirit of patriotism, innovation, truth-seeking, dedication, collaboration, and education, inherit their fine traditions of modesty and self-discipline, vigorously promote the spirit of scientists, and bravely lead the way in technological innovation in the new era.

Family members, assistants, students, and representatives from the work units of the centenarian academicians attended the launch ceremony. Professor Li Yalin, Dean of the School of Earth Sciences and Resources at China University of Geosciences, and Mr. Yang Liwei, former Director of the Science and Technology Committee of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, delivered speeches on behalf of the units of the centenarian academicians. Zhu Mingyuan, son of Academician Zhu Guangya, Xu Jin, relative of Academician Deng Jiaxian, and Li Weige, assistant of Academician Zheng Zhemin, respectively presented fascinating thematic reports titled "Zhu Guangya's Three Entries and Three Exits from Peking University and the Beginning and Development of China's Nuclear Weapons Program," "Remembering Uncle Deng Jiaxian," and "Star of Power - Zheng Zhemin." Subsequently, leaders, guests, scientific workers, and representatives of young students visited the inaugural exhibition of the 2024 "Scientific Life Centennial" showcasing the style of the academicians.

Since its inception in 2017, the "Scientific Life Centennial" theme activities aim to promote and display the lofty ideals of patriotism, innovative scientific spirit, rigorous academic style, and selfless life attitude of the academicians celebrating their centenary. Through a rich variety of online and offline promotional activities, a total of 173 academicians' scientific achievements and styles have been systematically showcased nationwide, garnering positive social feedback.

Following the launch ceremony, the organizers will successively exhibit the style of academicians in research institutes, universities, primary and secondary schools, exhibition halls, libraries, and other venues nationwide. They will showcase short promotional videos of academicians on major online and offline media platforms, support the joint organization of related activities by the academicians' units, and encourage the public to get closer to, understand, and learn from the academicians.

The "Scientific Life Centennial" theme website (http://kxrsbn.casad.cas.cn) was also launched simultaneously on May 28th. The website features quotes, scientific stories, and visual materials of each centenarian academician, presenting their life stories, research contributions, and scientific spirit from multiple perspectives in a comprehensive and three-dimensional manner.