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Jike 001 sandwiched between two heavy trucks on the highway, but everyone in the car is safe

Re Feng Sun, May 05 2024 08:27 PM EST

On May 3rd, it was reported that a blogger shared a video of the scene of a Jike 001 car accident.

According to reports, the Jike 001 was traveling on the highway at night when a large truck behind it failed to brake in time, causing a rear-end collision. Additionally, there was another heavy semi-trailer truck in front of the Jike 001.

The tremendous impact pushed the Jike 001 onto the front semi-trailer, causing significant damage to both the front and rear of the Jike 001. The on-site video shows that the Jike 001 was squeezed into a "sandwich cookie," and the rear of the car also suffered some deformation and collapse.

However, the passenger compartment of the Jike 001 was not completely destroyed, ensuring enough survival space. The doors could still open normally, and there was no fire after the accident.

Afterwards, the suspected owner revealed the cause of the accident in a group chat, stating that the large truck behind did not slow down when stuck in traffic and directly collided. Fortunately, everyone in the car, including a pregnant woman, was unharmed.

In response, netizens praised, "Jike is truly a highway tank," and "It may not always win in reviews, but it ranks first in real crash tests this time." s_57b56d1db66b4764b3678c5431696c78.png