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JD Own Brand, "Flash" Dishwasher

Thu, May 02 2024 08:16 PM EST

"Wanna buy a dishwasher, how about JD Own Brand?"

"What?" This question from a friend gave Ding Technology's Xiao Shiliu a sense of déjà vu, like the "Triple Shock" headlines that were popular among peers before: Shocking, Shocking, Shocking!

"With so many brands, why JD Own Brand?" ?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdingyue.ws.126.net%2F2024%2F0424%2F8d7e9892j00scfavi0011d000qo00ikm.jpg&thumbnail=660x2147483647&quality=80&type=jpg (Screenshot from JD)

"There are recommendations in the app, looking good. Large capacity, not expensive, and the brand is decent. My friend bought some other home appliances from them before and said they were good."

I opened JD and saw two dishwashers from JD Jingzao available for pre-order, with capacities of 12 and 16 sets. I browsed the store and found out they offer more than just dishwashers, they also have built-in stoves. If massage chairs can be considered home appliances, they have those too.

I remembered a few days ago when I was looking at the data from Oviyun, JD Jingzao's water purifiers were selling well online, ranking in the top ten this year after being outside the top ten last year.

It's all about the channels, fierce competition!

Back to dishwashers. In the first quarter of this year, the average online price for dishwashers ranged from 4000 to 6000 yuan, capturing nearly half of the market. Both dishwashers from JD Jingzao are priced below 3000 yuan, making them entry-level products in the market. In terms of large capacity products, they have a certain price competitiveness.

In terms of product features, besides capacity, parameters like disinfection ability and water efficiency seem decent. However, since I haven't experienced them personally, the specific performance is still unclear.

Regarding the manufacturer, based on the "Quality Inspection Certificate" on the page, it seems to be Ningbo Meigao Kitchenware Co., Ltd. Public information shows that this is a Xiaomi ecological chain enterprise, mainly producing integrated kitchen appliances and clean kitchen appliances.

In terms of channels, JD is an old hand in home appliances; but in terms of products, JD Jingzao is a newcomer. The reason why this newcomer is getting attention is not only due to the potential advantages in channels like recommendations but also for two points that many small and medium-sized home appliance brands can learn from:

One is to sell what's popular.

Some small brands have been trying to create market hits that didn't exist before, but most have not succeeded. Looking at JD Jingzao, the range of products they offer, from toothbrushes to fans, and even to mini washing machines, water purifiers, floor scrubbers, and even large appliances like built-in stoves and dishwashers, are all emerging categories at some stage. Following trends rather than trying to create them has helped them gain traction.

The other is to emphasize price advantages.

Most of JD Jingzao's products are priced at the lower end of the entry-level to mid-range, attracting "trial purchases" or "supplementary purchases." This pricing strategy is quite suitable for emerging small and medium-sized brands. (Ding Technology original, reprint must indicate "Source: Ding Technology")