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How the Typhoon-like Strong Wind in Jiangxi Formed: Expert Explanation

Zhen Ting Sun, Apr 07 2024 06:43 AM EST

Recently, on April 2nd, Jiangxi's Nanchang suddenly experienced severe convective weather. How did this typhoon-like strong wind form?

According to experts, Nanchang was affected by a squall line moving rapidly from west to east, which may locally be accompanied by downburst.

Downburst is a phenomenon of severe convective weather that can generate strong downdrafts in an instant. This phenomenon typically occurs within mature and intense thunderstorm clusters, characterized by suddenness, locality, and low probability.

After reaching the ground, downburst produces a linear-shaped strong wind, with wind speed increasing as it approaches the ground. The maximum surface wind force can reach up to force 15.

Furthermore, experts suggest that during windy weather, it is advisable to stay away from windows when studying, working, or living indoors. In case of high wind levels, move to a basement or the lowest internal space. Avoid placing pots and other easily falling objects on window sills, balconies, or terraces to prevent them from being blown off and injuring pedestrians.

During windy weather, pay attention to fire and electrical safety, and enhance the cleaning of flammable materials to keep them away from heat sources to prevent fire accidents.

When walking or cycling, avoid narrow passages between tall buildings, as these passages can create a "wind tunnel effect," increasing wind force and posing a certain danger to pedestrians.

Additionally, some old trees with weak roots may also break during strong winds, posing a danger to pedestrians. Therefore, vigilance should be heightened. s_6c5b57bf51c34719b3bdfd0b051ed6bb.png