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How AI Native Applications are Shaping the Next Generation of Enterprises

Wed, May 01 2024 08:12 AM EST
?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdingyue.ws.126.net%2F2024%2F0430%2F4698cafbj00scqffo005bd200u000u0g00id00id.jpg&thumbnail=660x2147483647&quality=80&type=jpg On April 26, we hosted an offline salon themed "Exploration and Evolution of AI Native Applications" in collaboration with the top investment firm Xianfeng K2VC. During this salon, we focused on the practical applications of AI native applications in enhancing operational efficiency, driving product innovation, and improving user experience. We also discussed the challenges faced in the development of AI technology, including data privacy, algorithm transparency, and ethical issues. ?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdingyue.ws.126.net%2F2024%2F0430%2F1319f46fj00scqffo0021d200ku00dwg00hh00bn.jpg&thumbnail=660x2147483647&quality=80&type=jpg 1

What is an AI-native application?

AI-native applications are built around the strengths and potential of AI, rather than simply adding AI technology as an extra feature to existing solutions. Unlike AI-integrated applications, AI-native applications are created based on AI capabilities to generate applicable scenarios, while the latter incorporate AI functions into existing scenarios, such as the AI assistance in Office365. The true value of AI lies not only in content generation but also in deep understanding.


The Evolution of Intelligent Enterprise R&D Management: From Assistant to Partner ?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdingyue.ws.126.net%2F2024%2F0430%2F446a1155j00scqffo001cd200ku00dwg00hh00bn.jpg&thumbnail=660x2147483647&quality=80&type=jpg Li Jun, the head of ONES Solutions and founder of WizNote, emphasized the role of AI in organizational applications, including enhancing knowledge management capabilities and providing insights across projects. ONES advocates using AI technology to help businesses and teams collaborate systematically, fostering a spiral of knowledge to accumulate and utilize knowledge outputs. They also place a high emphasis on the security and compliance of AI applications, ensuring that AI-generated content is traceable and data access is strictly controlled within secure boundaries.

"Creating a spiral of knowledge environment for teams is about helping these knowledge workers gradually accumulate their work outputs and communication processes. Previously, it required laborious manual efforts to derive uncertain value from knowledge assets. Now, with ONES Copilot and RAG (Search Enhanced Generation) technology, the return on investment has increased significantly."


Intelligent Entities of Digital Life ?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdingyue.ws.126.net%2F2024%2F0430%2Fbe09b9b6j00scqffp000sd200ku00dwg00hh00bn.jpg&thumbnail=660x2147483647&quality=80&type=jpg An AI platform not only allows you to easily create intelligent entities, but also enables these entities to possess "digital life." Doesn't it sound a bit like a plot from a sci-fi blockbuster? HuiZhi Intelligence is bringing this "black technology" into reality.

Co-founder of HuiZhi Intelligence, Fang Gangzheng, shared insights into the exploration of native AI applications through storytelling and live Q&A. "In terms of team building, compared to traditional industries, entrepreneurial teams in the AI industry need to pay more attention to maintaining the internal positive and negative feedback systems of the organization to reduce trial and error costs. In product design, one should learn more, assume less, maintain an open-minded attitude, and communicate real user needs. Especially for small and medium-sized teams, do not get involved in intense competition at the model level. Instead, focus on achieving breakthroughs in products, establishing differentiation, and then consider generalization." Additionally, he shared HuiZhi Intelligence's attempts in AI education and training, stating, "AI education certainly has long-term value, but many organizations cannot wait that long. Teams interested in AI education should understand that courses naturally grow out of business. For enterprise application platforms, before revolutionary innovation, it is advisable to keep a distance from knowledge payment areas." Finally, Fang Gangzheng showcased the product pages and application cases of HuiZhi Intelligence's Gnomic and Agent Cloud intelligent entity platforms, presenting the practical details and rich possibilities of native AI applications.


Redefining Industrial Robots ?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdingyue.ws.126.net%2F2024%2F0430%2Ff47ab635j00scqffp001fd200ku00dwg00hh00bn.jpg&thumbnail=660x2147483647&quality=80&type=jpg In today's field of industrial automation, the role of robots is also undergoing a transformation led by artificial intelligence technology. Guo Tao, the CTO of Beijing Peitian Technology Co., Ltd., mentioned in his presentation that the combination of AI and robots should first meet industrial needs, which will be the best way to drive industry development. The commercial robots currently on the market are mainly divided into three categories: industrial robotic arms, mobile robots such as AGVs and floor-sweeping robots, and remote-controlled robots. Industrial robotic arms excel in task complexity, capable of performing various tasks such as polishing, assembly, etc., but they have poor adaptability to changes, requiring reprogramming once task requirements change. Although mobile robots appear more intelligent with stronger adaptability, their functions are relatively single, mainly limited to tasks such as handling, sweeping, and inspection. Remote-controlled robots play a role in specific fields such as healthcare and military, but have lower autonomy. Despite the continuous advancement of robot technology, there is currently no robot that can perfectly integrate high task complexity, strong adaptability to changes, and wide cross-industry applications. If these limitations can be overcome, robots will demonstrate enormous potential for applications in various fields such as industry and services.

Expanding the Boundaries of Online Content Creation ?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdingyue.ws.126.net%2F2024%2F0430%2F343b375ej00scqfft0014d200ku00dwg00hh00bn.jpg&thumbnail=660x2147483647&quality=80&type=jpg As one of the earliest companies in China engaged in social media marketing and content creation, after 13 years of development, Weimeng & Love Design has established a leading position in the domestic market. Jiang Yilin, Vice President of Marketing at AiPPT.cn, mentioned in a sharing session, "Differentiation is key on the path of AI transformation. Our advantage lies in the extensive customer resources accumulated over the years in both the B-end and C-end markets. By cross-selling our SaaS software and new solutions, we meet their needs. Before the emergence of AIGC technology, the office software market had been dominated by giants like Microsoft and WPS. However, the integration of AI has given us the opportunity to reshape the market landscape, simplifying the complexity of PPT production through AI-generated content and one-click layout, bringing convenience to the majority of users who are not proficient in PPT production. Our goal is to establish an ecosystem where users, content contributors, and promoters can all benefit, which is crucial for our growth from a small sapling to a big tree. Through sharing and collaboration, we can collectively drive the application and development of AI technology in the field of office software."


New User Interaction in the Cultural Industry

The salon roundtable discussion "AIGC Reshaping New Dimensions of User Interaction" invited CTO Maizhijian from Next World Culture, CTO Zhang Xu from China Film Year by Year as guests, with Silicon Star AI Analyst Liu Yuqi as the host, focusing on cutting-edge areas such as virtual IP, animation production, and digital humans. ?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdingyue.ws.126.net%2F2024%2F0430%2F4d32ffd4j00scqfft001gd200ku00dwg00hh00bn.jpg&thumbnail=660x2147483647&quality=80&type=jpg The maturity of AIGC technology in the cultural and creative industries is still in its early stages. Breakthroughs in technologies such as ChatGPT have paved the way for advancements in virtual human industries, leading to cost reductions and increased efficiency. Companies like CTO Maizhijian from Next Culture are exploring avenues like digital human matrices to serve various market segments and create virtual personas for celebrities. Additionally, the development of apps like VBS Persona App allows users to create their virtual characters, enhancing user engagement and brand collaborations.

In terms of production, AI assistance has significantly streamlined processes, reducing the time and costs involved in creating high-quality virtual content. For instance, what used to take months and significant expenses can now be achieved in a day, thanks to AI-generated assets. This efficiency boost has been instrumental in lowering production costs and increasing output.

Addressing the computational challenges posed by large-scale data requires innovations in hardware like domestic chips and power supply. Companies like Zhongyingnian are leveraging their extensive asset libraries to empower AI capabilities, enabling rapid scene generation and enhancing production efficiency. As AI technologies continue to evolve, they are expected to revolutionize the animation industry, potentially eliminating the need for traditional 3D assets and transforming workflows.

Looking ahead, the tools powered by AIGC are poised to become essential productivity drivers in the digital industry. With advancements in AI capabilities, tasks that once required extensive assets and resources may soon be accomplished with minimal input, reshaping the landscape of digital production. The convergence of AI and robotics holds the promise of augmenting human capabilities and revolutionizing labor practices in the foreseeable future.

As we witness the evolution of AI-native applications, we are entering a new era defined by technological advancements. These applications not only drive digital transformation across industries but also fundamentally reshape our work processes, business models, and daily lives. Through this exploration of AI-native applications, we catch a glimpse of the boundless potential and challenges in this field, shaping the trajectory of our future.