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Hong Kong Metropolitan University Becomes Hong Kong's First Applied Science University

Fri, Mar 22 2024 11:19 AM EST

HONG KONG, March 21 (China News Service) – The Education Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) announced on March 21 that the Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMET) met the criteria for an Applied Science University (ASU) announced in February 2024, becoming Hong Kong's first ASU.

Cai Ruolian, Secretary for Education of the HKSAR, said in her address at the "Inauguration Ceremony of the First Applied Science University in Hong Kong" that the Chief Executive announced in the 2023 Policy Address the HKSAR government's initiative to establish an ASU. She expressed delight that HKMET had met all the criteria to become Hong Kong's first ASU.

She pointed out that HKMET offers Higher Diploma and Bachelor's Degree courses in vocational and professional education and training (VPET) that combine theory and practice and are recognized and supported by the industry. Becoming Hong Kong's first ASU not only marks a new chapter for HKMET but also signifies the HKSAR government's determination to significantly elevate the status of VPET, thereby creating a smooth path for young people and achieving the goal of "every career can shine."

She continued that in assessing HKMET's application, the HKSAR government had considered relevant factors, including the institutional review results of the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) and HKMET's experience in offering applied degree programs and other VPET programs. The HKCAAVQ focused on evaluating HKMET's commitment and capacity to become an ASU, including governance, management, and quality assurance, learning environment and student support, and industry collaboration and recognition.

It is understood that HKMET, formerly known as the Hong Kong Open Learning Institute, was established in 1989 and became Hong Kong's first self-financed university in 1997. After obtaining the ASU title, institutions including HKMET will be subject to periodic reviews by the HKCAAVQ to ensure further enhancement of maturity and competitiveness. In addition, these institutions must submit annual progress reports to the Education Bureau of the HKSAR government.