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Historical Record Alert! China Meteorological Administration Issues First-ever Orange Alert for Severe Convection Weather: Local Winds Could Reach Force 12

Jian Jia Sun, Apr 07 2024 07:05 AM EST

On April 2nd, the China Meteorological Administration upgraded its alert status to issue an orange warning for severe convection weather, marking the first time the highest level of warning has been issued since the establishment of meteorological disaster alert standards. It is expected that from 8 p.m. on April 2nd to 8 p.m. on April 3rd, parts of southern Anhui, southern Jiangsu, Shanghai, southeastern Hubei, eastern and southern Hunan, Jiangxi, western Zhejiang, northwestern Fujian, and northeastern Guangxi will experience thunderstorms with wind speeds exceeding Force 10 or hailstorms, with local winds reaching Force 12 and hailstones exceeding 20 millimeters in diameter. 24755d38-696c-4fa6-82a9-9472c66dd49e.jpg Partial areas in southern Anhui, southern Jiangsu, Shanghai, eastern and southern Hunan, Jiangxi, western Zhejiang, western Fujian, southeastern Guizhou, northeastern Guangxi, and northwestern Guangdong are expected to experience short-duration heavy rainfall, with maximum hourly precipitation of 30-50 millimeters and locally exceeding 70 millimeters.

The main period of significant convective activity is anticipated to be overnight tonight.

Currently, southern China has entered a season of frequent severe convective weather. Severe convective weather is the most challenging type to forecast due to its sudden onset, rapid changes, and high destructive potential. s_dfba96eeaff74a928350aa6e00b007c1.jpg Just a reminder to everyone to stay vigilant and pay close attention to the latest forecasts and warnings issued by local meteorological departments. Be sure to plan your travels in advance.

When severe weather strikes, those outdoors should seek shelter indoors promptly. For those indoors, remember to close all doors and windows and try to stay away from floor-to-ceiling windows and glass doors.