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High-Energy Synchrotron Radiation Source to Emit "First Light" Within the Year

CuiXueQin Thu, Mar 28 2024 11:28 AM EST

On March 27th, it was learned from Beijing's Huairou District that the breakthrough in leading the integrated development of the Huairou Science City is accelerating. Within this year, the High-Energy Synchrotron Radiation Source, a major scientific facility in the Huairou Science City, is expected to emit its "first light," while the urban living areas A and B plots are also set to commence full operations. 6603db14e4b03b5da6d0bdf4.jpg Launch Ceremony of High-Energy Synchrotron Radiation Source in Huairou District (Photo provided by Huairou District)

The High-Energy Synchrotron Radiation Source, as one of China's major scientific facilities, is a core facility of the Huairou Science City Large-scale Scientific Instrument Cluster jointly constructed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Beijing Municipality.

Once completed, it will be China's first high-energy synchrotron radiation source and one of the world's brightest fourth-generation synchrotron radiation sources, capable of emitting light 10 trillion times brighter than the sun. This advancement will aid in deeper analysis of the microstructure and evolutionary mechanisms of materials, providing a high-tech research platform to enhance China's national development strategy and its capacity for original innovation in frontier basic science and technology fields.

In 2023, the High-Energy Synchrotron Radiation Source project achieved significant milestones, with the linear accelerator and booster completing equipment installation, debugging, and beam tuning. Through the engineering command center's organized process evaluation, all indicators met or exceeded acceptance criteria, and overall performance reached the international advanced level for similar facilities. Currently, intensive work is underway for batch processing and testing of equipment such as vacuum systems, beam control, injection and extraction, radio frequency, low temperature, and beamline stations. It is expected to emit the first beam of light by the end of this year.

"This year, we will firmly complete the challenging tasks of beam tuning for the storage ring and launching the 'first beam of light,' making new contributions to achieving high-level technological self-reliance and building a technologically strong country," said Pan Weimin, Chief Engineer of the High-Energy Synchrotron Radiation Source project at the Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

In addition to the High-Energy Synchrotron Radiation Source, significant progress will also be made this year in the construction of other scientific facilities in the Huairou Science City. Among them, the multimodal cross-scale biomedical imaging facility and the second phase of the Submillimeter Engineering will strive for national acceptance and official operation. Facilities such as the Quantum Materials Cross-platform and the Beijing Molecular Science Cross-Research Platform will complete equipment installation and enter trial operation. Projects scheduled to start during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, such as the Terahertz Science and Technology Center platform, will also commence construction within the year.

Apart from scientific facilities, new progress is expected in the urban supporting construction of the Huairou Science City. The overall construction of City Lounges A and B, located in the starting area of the Huairou Science City, has entered the final stage and will soon be unveiled.

"The City Lounges are positioned as an international public service center for scientists at home and abroad, a showcase for the external presentation of Huairou Science City, and a vibrant center for scientific research and technology industry. They will integrate and develop five major functions: scientific research and development, technological services, cultural and commercial support, high-end hotels and apartments, and research-oriented colleges, representing an important aspect of the new urban form of Huairou Science City," explained Zheng Xinfeng, General Manager of Beijing Huairou Science City Construction and Development Co., Ltd.

In addition, the main structure of the Yanqi Town Area A project, a key supporting facility of the Huairou Science City, has been topped out and is undergoing secondary structure construction, with completion planned by the end of the year. Out of the planned "Four Horizontals and Nine Verticals" 13 road network in the starting area of the Huairou Science City, 12 roads have been completed and opened to traffic.