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Geomagnetic Storm Alert! Northern Regions Might Witness Aurora

Jian Jia Tue, Mar 26 2024 06:44 AM EST

On March 25th, it was announced by both the China Meteorological Administration and relevant authorities in the United States that there is a geomagnetic storm warning. It is expected that over the course of March 24th, 25th, and 26th, there could be significant geomagnetic activity.

Especially on March 25th, there is a high probability of experiencing moderate to severe geomagnetic storms, with the activity expected to persist until the 26th. 6306fdf4-d6f1-4900-86d9-d1d9bbb38b5f.png Under this influence, the space station may experience a decrease in orbit altitude due to atmospheric drag, satellite navigation devices may suffer increased errors, and aviation flights will face the dual risks of deteriorating communication environments and radiation in polar regions.

In February 2022, out of the 49 Starlink satellites launched by Elon Musk's SpaceX, 40 were impacted by geomagnetic storms, causing them to deviate from their orbits and burn up.

However, for aurora enthusiasts, this is actually good news. 666ce248-37ea-41b7-bc20-e6068ce4fcb6.jpg According to experts, auroras are dazzling luminous phenomena that occur in the high magnetic latitude regions of planets. They are produced when the Earth's magnetic field interacts with high-energy charged particles from the Sun, also known as solar winds, causing molecules or atoms in the upper atmosphere to become excited or ionized.

The occurrence of auroras is closely linked to solar activity. During periods of heightened solar activity, auroras can be more spectacular than usual. In many regions with lower latitudes where auroras are not typically visible, people may have the rare opportunity to witness them during such intense solar events.

Some astrophotographers have mentioned that due to the geomagnetic storm, auroras might be visible on the night of March 25th in regions including Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, as well as Hebei, Beijing, Gansu, and northern Ningxia.