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Fields Medalist Terence Tao: It's Difficult to Achieve Development in Basic Science if the Original Intention is to "Start a Company"

ChenSu,WangDongYu Sun, May 05 2024 10:47 AM EST

Basic science is the wellspring of innovation. Only by valuing research in basic science can a country maintain its independent innovative capacity and drive revolutionary developments in applied science.

Terence Tao, a Fields Medalist, foreign member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and member of the National Academy of Sciences in the United States, as well as a distinguished professor at Tsinghua University, has been hailed by The New York Times as the "Caesar of the Mathematical Kingdom" for his significant contributions to the field of mathematics worldwide. Recently, Terence Tao was interviewed by China News Service. He emphasized the need for a long-term perspective in developing fundamental disciplines.

The following is an excerpt from the interview:

China News Service: How do you view the importance of basic science? How do you evaluate the achievements China has made in the process of scientific development?

Terence Tao: China has made remarkable achievements in applied science, but its innovation capabilities still lag behind developed countries, mainly due to the gap in basic science compared to those countries.

Although China has begun to vigorously promote research in basic science, it often turns into "starting a company" or shifts to applied science research when research activities reach downstream stages. If the original intention of researching basic science is to start a company, it is challenging for it to achieve development.

China News Service: How do you think basic science development should be promoted?

Terence Tao: The outcomes of basic science development are not immediate. If every research endeavor is aimed at taking a company public, that is not feasible. Generally, it takes 5 to 10 years to see the results of basic science research, requiring sufficient patience for fundamental research.

Research in basic science contributes to humanity and can even impact entire industries. It is a grand, structural, and societal endeavor. For example, current advancements in quantum entanglement and quantum computing are based on Einstein's research achievements. Therefore, the development of basic science requires a long-term perspective.

It is worth mentioning that interdisciplinary capabilities are very helpful for research. For instance, in-depth research in theoretical physics and mathematics are intertwined. If someone studying theoretical physics does not understand mathematics, they cannot propose cutting-edge theories.

Furthermore, nurturing research capabilities should start from childhood, cultivating children's interest in basic science from an early age, which is crucial for innovative development.

China News Service: As a world-renowned mathematician, how did you cultivate an interest in mathematics? Can you provide some advice for Chinese children studying mathematics?

Terence Tao: I have been interested in mathematics since a young age, probably during my secondary school years. I believe children should explore their interest in knowledge in a relaxed environment and from various fields.

Mathematics is not inherently dull; some children are very happy drawing pictures using mathematical formulas. Mathematics is present in numerous industries; for example, the entire field of computers can be seen as a branch of mathematics, allowing children to discover their interest in mathematics while exploring the world.

Moreover, there is a need to improve the education system, as some exam-oriented methods can stifle children's curiosity in exploring science. I have visited many schools in China and found that many middle school students are lively and lovely, but once they reach high school, they become silent and less talkative.

When children turn taking exams into a mechanical response like playing table tennis, they may lose interest in knowledge and find learning tedious. Therefore, there is a need to reflect on some current educational methods.