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Feicheng 300MW Advanced Compressed Air Energy Storage Power Station Connected to the Grid for Power Generation

ChenHuanHuan Thu, May 02 2024 11:27 AM EST

At 11:18 am on April 30th, the first 300MW/1800MWh advanced compressed air energy storage national demonstration power station in Feicheng, Shandong, with fully independent intellectual property rights, successfully connected to the grid for power generation for the first time. This power station utilizes advanced compressed air energy storage technology independently developed by the Institute of Engineering Thermophysics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. China Energy Storage Engineering Co., Ltd. (Beijing) as the investment and construction unit, is currently the largest, most efficient, best-performing, and lowest-cost new type of compressed air energy storage power station internationally. 6630742fe4b0c2b5b68d038d.jpg The panoramic view of the 300-megawatt advanced compressed air energy storage national demonstration project in Feicheng, Shandong. Image provided by the Institute of Engineering Thermophysics.

The research and development team has reportedly achieved breakthroughs in the full set of core key technologies for a 300-megawatt-level compressed air energy storage system. They have overcome challenges in multi-stage wide-load compressors, multi-stage high-load turbines, high-efficiency supercritical heat storage exchangers, and system-wide optimization design and integrated control technologies. They have creatively developed core equipment such as a 300-megawatt multi-stage high-load turbine, multi-stage wide-load compressor, and high-efficiency compact heat storage exchanger. The unit cost of the system has decreased by over 30% compared to a 100-megawatt system, achieving 100% localization of system equipment and complete autonomous control.

It is worth mentioning that the power station utilizes the abundant underground salt cavern resources in Feicheng City, Shandong Province for gas storage. With a rated design efficiency of 72.1%, the system can discharge continuously for 6 hours, offering advantages such as large scale, high efficiency, long lifespan, cleanliness, no pollution, and high safety. It can effectively support the stable and efficient operation of the power system. It is estimated to generate approximately 600 million kWh of electricity annually, providing power assurance for around 200,000 to 300,000 households during peak electricity demand. This can save about 189,000 tons of standard coal per year and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by around 490,000 tons.

This project has received support from the government at all levels in Shandong Province and State Grid Shandong Company. Its successful grid connection and power generation will effectively promote the rapid development of compressed air energy storage technology and industry, laying a solid foundation for the large-scale application of this technology.