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EVGA Power Supply Mishap: 22TB Hard Drive Destroyed

Shang Fang Wen Q Tue, Mar 26 2024 08:31 AM EST

On March 24th, a user named "sgircys" on a foreign forum shared a recent stroke of bad luck: after replacing their power supply with a new one from EVGA, all of their hard drives were fried.

Initially equipped with a brand-new EVGA GQ 1000W Gold-rated power supply, they noticed a whining noise emanating from it. They returned it to EVGA at their own expense for a replacement. However, EVGA assured them that all peripherals and power cables could still be used, negating the need for replacements.

Upon receiving the replacement power supply from EVGA, they plugged it in without much thought. However, the system failed to power up, prompting a thorough investigation which revealed that only by disconnecting all SATA hard drives could the system be booted.

EVGA's customer service explained that the pin layout of the power supply sometimes undergoes changes, and the replacement they received was an upgraded version. Consequently, they sent new compatible power cables.

Unfortunately, after installing the new power cables and rebooting, they discovered that all of their hard drives, totaling 22TB, had been completely fried due to voltage changes.

However, EVGA denied responsibility, claiming they do not bear liability for data loss or service and even suggested seeking compensation from the hard drive manufacturer.

This incident serves as a cautionary tale, emphasizing the importance of being vigilant when dealing with power supplies, especially ensuring the correct use of power cables. s_b265c971d34a44ef99b30eb0eb43028e.jpg