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Conclusion of the Guangdong Energy Security Multi-dimensional Assessment Project under the Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality Goals

ZhuHanBin Thu, Mar 28 2024 10:59 AM EST

Recently, the conclusion meeting of the "Guangdong Energy Security Multi-dimensional Assessment Project under the Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality Goals" for the year 2022, conducted by the Guangdong Research Institute of China Engineering Science and Technology Development Strategy, was held in a hybrid format combining online and offline sessions at the Guangzhou Institute of Energy Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences. 66038177e4b03b5da6d0bd72.jpg On-site acceptance meeting. Interviewees provide images. The project is led by Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Professor at Shenzhen University, Xie Heping, and Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Researcher at Guangzhou Institute of Energy Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chen Yong. The project is jointly undertaken by the Guangzhou Institute of Energy Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen University, Guangdong Climate Center, and Guangdong Energy Research Association. Xie Heping and Chen Yong, as project leaders, attended the meeting. The project acceptance expert group, composed of Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Chief Scientist of Southern Power Grid Company, Rao Hong, Professor at South China University of Technology, Ma Xiaoqian, Professor at Peking University, Liu Gang, Professor-level Engineer at Guangdong Meteorological Observatory, Wu Zhifang, and Professor at Changzhou University, Hu Hetu, unanimously agreed that the project team had completed the tasks with high quality as required by the task book, achieving the expected results, and agreed to pass the project acceptance. Reporters learned that the project conducted in-depth research on the theory of new energy security, established an energy security evaluation method, and evaluated multiple dimensions such as energy supply security, technical security, climate security, and material security in Guangdong Province. The project proposed suggestions and measures to strengthen energy security. The research results are of great reference value for deepening the understanding of energy security in Guangdong Province under the goals of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, as well as for building a "clean, low-carbon, safe, and efficient" energy system.