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Apple acknowledges iPhone alarm not ringing bug: Working on fixing it

Zhen Ting Thu, May 02 2024 09:23 AM EST

On May 1st, it was reported by the media that Apple has acknowledged a bug where the iPhone alarm does not ring, stating that the team is working hard to fix the issue.

Many users had previously reported that their iPhone alarms did not go off at the set time.

For Chinese users, the biggest regret regarding iPhone alarms is the lack of a holiday alarm function.

Unlike most domestic phones, the iPhone alarm's repeat function has certain limitations during setup. It cannot intelligently select based on statutory holidays, and users can only set alarms within the seven days from Monday to Sunday.

In cases of public holidays or adjusted workdays, the system cannot automatically recognize and treat them as workdays. Therefore, if users do not manually set the alarm in advance, they may face the risk of being late for work.

On social media platforms, many Android users have posted reminders to iPhone users to set alarms, to avoid being late due to the lack of a holiday alarm function on their phones.

Although Apple has provided localized services for Chinese users, allowing the iPhone calendar to display the working day after a day off, there is still room for improvement in automatically recognizing adjusted workdays in alarms.

Some netizens have expressed that smartphones have become an indispensable part of people's daily lives. How to better meet users' personalized needs while providing convenient functions is a question that mobile phone manufacturers need to delve into and solve. s_1a264f0c6dcb4692a65b068a4a2e32c9.jpg