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Apple's Knockout Products May Hit Chinese Market Faster, but Huawei Grabs the Trademark

Wed, Mar 20 2024 08:28 AM EST

a36d6bb9g00saiqs30064d200hs002tg00hs002t.gif Spatial Computing Revolution Arrives

"When you put on Apple Vision Pro, you'll see the world and everything in it in a whole new way..." At the 2023 Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) in June, Apple unveiled its first spatial computing device, the Apple Vision Pro. By February 2024, Apple Vision Pro had gone on sale in the US market, and anticipation is high for its release in other countries and regions.

Signs of Accelerated Entry into China

Recent developments suggest that Apple Vision Pro will soon enter the Chinese market. For instance, Apple's Chinese website has updated its compatibility descriptions to include Apple Vision Pro. Additionally, new language keyboards have been added to Apple Vision Pro's system, including Simplified Chinese.

Trademark Considerations

For Apple, it is essential not only to prepare the technology but also to secure its brand and trademarks in advance. In 2012, Apple paid Shenzhen Viphone company $60 million to acquire the trademark rights for "iPad" in a dispute resolution. With that lesson in mind, has Apple taken necessary trademark precautions as it gears up to introduce its new product in China?

Early Entry into the Chinese Market

The launch of Apple Vision Pro marks Apple's entry into the era of spatial computing. The timing of its release in China is highly anticipated. According to sources cited by the media, Apple's new product, Apple Vision Pro, is expected to hit the Chinese market as early as April, or at the latest, by May.

Recent Developments Signal Early Arrival

Recently, Apple has made a series of moves that seem to suggest an earlier-than-expected entry of Apple Vision Pro into the Chinese market.

Around March 8, Apple's Chinese website quietly updated the compatibility descriptions for various accessory products, including the addition of "Apple Vision Pro." ?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdingyue.ws.126.net%2F2024%2F0318%2Fb38efdd6j00saiqs4000sd200rs00akg00rs00ak.jpg&thumbnail=660x2147483647&quality=80&type=jpg Apple Vision Pro 系统的多语言支持

Apple Vision Pro 系统的 VisionOS 编码显示,该系统不再仅支持英语,虚拟键盘和自动更正功能也支持其他语言,包括简体中文、法语、德语、日语和韩语。

这些迹象被解读为 Apple Vision Pro 加速进入中国市场的信号。

苹果为 iPad 商标支付 6000 万美元

Apple Vision Pro 产品进入中国市场需要技术优化和升级,也需要关注商标问题,例如,苹果曾为获得 iPad 商标支付 6000 万美元。

2000 年,唯冠集团在多个国家和地区注册了 iPad 商标,包括深圳唯冠科技(深圳)有限公司在中国大陆注册的 iPad 商标。2009 年,苹果公司与唯冠集团子公司台湾唯冠公司达成协议,以 3.5 万英镑的价格转让 iPad 商标。转让标的为 10 个 iPad 商标,其中包括涉案的 2 个深圳唯冠公司在中国大陆注册的商标。

2010 年 2 月,苹果公司以 10 英镑的价格从 IP 公司获得了上述 10 个 iPad 商标。随后,苹果公司要求深圳唯冠公司变更涉案商标权属时遭到拒绝。双方因此引发争议。

2010 年 4 月 19 日,苹果公司和 IP 公司向深圳市中级人民法院起诉深圳唯冠公司,主张根据商标转让协议书,请求判令深圳唯冠公司将两件 iPad 商标专用权归属苹果公司并赔偿损失 400 万元。

深圳市中级人民法院于 2011 年 11 月 17 日一审驳回了两原告的诉讼请求。苹果公司和 IP 公司向广东省高级人民法院提起上诉。2012 年 6 月,广东省高级人民法院促成双方以 6000 万美元达成调解。

苹果的 Vision Pro 商标之路

对于苹果公司而言,获得 Apple Vision Pro 商标可能需要付出一定努力。

记者在国家知识产权局官网按“vision pro”关键词检索,发现有 44 件商标。虽然商标示意图显示均为“vision pro”,但具体商标呈现中,字体、字号、字母大小写以及与图标的搭配会影响最终呈现。 ?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdingyue.ws.126.net%2F2024%2F0318%2F751e1ca0j00saiqs4001sd200rs00r4g00rs00r4.jpg&thumbnail=660x2147483647&quality=80&type=jpg 摘要

苹果公司在9类商标申请中面临挑战,华为拥有与苹果Apple Vision Pro相关的商标。




  • 华为拥有Vision Pro商标,与苹果Apple Vision Pro相关。
  • 苹果公司面临商标困局,需要权衡潜在选项。


  • 与华为合作购买商标。
  • 为产品重新设计商标。
  • 采取其他措施保护商标。


苹果公司必须就其Apple Vision Pro产品在中国市场的商标保护做出决定。