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Anhui Creates "Sharp Eyes" to Ensure the Successful Return of Shenzhou-17

WangMin Sun, May 12 2024 11:10 AM EST

Recently, the return capsule of the Shenzhou-17 manned spacecraft successfully landed at the Dongfeng landing site, marking the complete success of the Shenzhou-17 manned space mission. According to the China Electronics Technology Group Corporation's 38th Research Institute (referred to as CETC38), the onboard satellite communication equipment carried by the spacecraft's return capsule was independently developed by CETC Microelectronics and CETC38 in the Ka-band satellite terminal equipment. 663ad42ee4b03b5da6d0e5cc.jpg On-site Image: Provided by China Electronics Technology Group Corporation No. 38 Research Institute

During the mission, the equipment fully leveraged its advantages of long transmission distance, wide signal bandwidth, and strong mobility. It achieved the transmission of images, voice, and data from the helicopter-borne terminal device in real-time, sending the real-time high-definition video and multiple voice channels of Dongfeng Landing Field back to the mission command hall via satellite, enabling real-time communication between Dongfeng Landing Field and the control center.

The return capsule of the Shenzhou spacecraft descends rapidly from space to the ground, with a short duration. The ground-based search and rescue helicopter team is the first to visually locate the returning capsule, as the radar can only track the real-time position of the capsule on the map.

The helicopter-borne relay satellite communication terminal equips the helicopter with a stable and reliable "all-seeing eye," allowing audiences to witness the final leg of the return journey of the spacecraft through this "eye" from various platforms.

According to Wang Duwen, a technical staff member from China Electronics Technology Group Corporation No. 38 Research Institute, the helicopter-borne relay satellite communication terminal is a high-speed satellite communication device independently developed for manned spaceflight projects. It is installed on search and rescue helicopters to ensure communication support for landing site rescue operations. The tail beam outside the helicopter cabin is equipped with a tracking system, mainly consisting of an antenna system, a turntable, and servo mechanisms. Inside the cabin, there are servo control systems and signal processing systems. The servo control system is crucial to establish a reliable communication link during flight, ensuring uninterrupted transmission of audio and video data to the command hall. It requires high precision alignment of the antenna with the satellite. The signal processing system is responsible for processing video and voice information, converting business information into signals, and transmitting electromagnetic waves to the satellite through the antenna. Simultaneously, the antenna receives electromagnetic waves from the satellite and the signal processing system reconstructs the voice and instructions from the control center.

From Shenzhou VIII to Shenzhou XVII, between 2011 and 2024, the airborne search and rescue communication support team from China Electronics Technology Group Corporation No. 38 Research Institute has been present without fail, successfully completing each mission as planned.