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Academician Zhang Zuxun: Breaking the International Monopoly in the Field of "Photographer of the Earth"

LiSaiHui,ZhuYongJin,QiuJianShan Tue, Mar 26 2024 06:14 AM EST

Recently, the story of an elderly scientist from Wuhan University has attracted attention in Hubei. This photographer of the earth, in his 80s, has been deeply involved in the field of remote sensing in surveying and mapping for over 60 years. He has propelled China's digital image surveying and mapping technology from scratch to an internationally leading position. This esteemed scientist is Academician Zhang Zuxun of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. 65fd5d3ce4b03b5da6d0ba04.png Academician Zhang Zuxun. Image provided by Hubei Provincial Department of Science and Technology. Introducing China's first fully digital automatic mapping device. For over 60 years, Academician Zhang Zuxun has been dedicated to the research of photogrammetry and remote sensing. In order to break the international technological monopoly, he and his team spent 14 years exploring and successfully developed China's first fully digital automatic mapping device. This not only filled the technological gap in the domestic field of science and technology but also achieved remarkable international recognition. When discussing photogrammetry and remote sensing technology, Academician Zhang Zuxun admitted that when he entered university in 1955, he didn't even know what "surveying" was. He became interested in photogrammetry when he saw a mirror reflecting two photos, making the mountain appear taller. Recognizing that there was much to learn in this field, he chose to study photogrammetry. In the 1970s, China's surveying and mapping industry faced many challenges. In 1976, Academician Zhang Zuxun was sent to study in the most advanced aerial survey instrument factory in Switzerland. He described the experience as entering a whole new world and realized the technological gap between China and foreign countries. From then on, Academician Zhang Zuxun was determined to establish China's position in the international field of surveying and remote sensing technology. In 1978, Zhang Zuxun's teacher, Mr. Wang Zhizhuo, proposed the idea of fully digital automatic mapping for photogrammetry in China. At that time, most people believed that "film was the best carrier of images," and the idea of "digitizing" images seemed incredible or premature. Academician Zhang Zuxun found his teacher's idea challenging and worth pursuing. As Wang Zhizhuo's capable assistant, Zhang Zuxun took on ... 65fd5d65e4b03b5da6d0ba06.png Academician Zhang Zuxun is guiding students. Image provided by the Hubei Provincial Department of Science and Technology. Donating one million CNY to reward young teachers. When it comes to the transition from a research dreamer to a research mentor, Zhang Zuxun attributes his achievements to "having encountered a good teacher." He believes that the development of science relies on the relay of talent and the inheritance of education. As a university teacher, Zhang Zuxun never forgets the mission of imparting knowledge. The theoretical innovations, original algorithms, and optimized solutions after repeated trials and errors are all compiled into the textbook "Digital Photogrammetry." This milestone textbook has benefited hundreds of thousands of people and has played a significant role in cultivating professionals. Over his 60-year career in scientific research and education, Zhang Zuxun has been surrounded by talented individuals of all ages. Now, he is passing the baton to younger teachers. In order to encourage young teachers, in 2017, Zhang Zuxun donated one million CNY to the School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering at Wuhan University, proposing the establishment of the "Teaching and Educating Award" to encourage outstanding teachers who work diligently on the front lines of teaching and are loved by students. In 2021, Zhang Zuxun received a prestigious teaching award. Subsequently, he donated the entire one million CNY prize to the School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering at Wuhan University to enrich the "Teaching and Educating Award." "It couldn't be more appropriate to use the prize money from the outstanding teaching award to reward young teachers who excel in teaching," Zhang Zuxun said with a smile. Time flies, and Zhang Zuxun continues to pursue his dream of serving the country through scientific research. "...