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Academician Zhang Qifa: Bringing Fragrance of Whole Grain Black Rice to Countless Homes

LiSaiHui,LiJiaYan Tue, Mar 19 2024 11:13 AM EST

Black rice has existed in Chinese history for thousands of years. The "Book of Songs" mentions the aroma of black rice, and in the county annals of Yangxian, Shaanxi Province, black rice is listed as one of the "four high-quality and unique rice varieties" in Yangxian. Although China has a wide distribution of black rice varieties, both production and consumption volumes are relatively low. 65f7e161e4b03b5da6d0b660.png Academician Zhang Qifa Introduces Research Progress on Black Rice. Photographed by Jiang Chaochang.

Before delving into the research on black rice, my impression of it wasn't favorable. For instance, over twenty years ago, a friend brought back a pack of black rice from the United States for me. I soaked it in water for several hours and cooked it for a long time, yet the texture was like chewing rubber. After that, I didn't have much interaction with black rice.

In 2008, British scholars conducted a comparative experiment feeding mice. The experiment showed that adding anthocyanin-rich purple tomatoes to the diet extended the lifespan of mice by 28% compared to standard feed or feed with regular tomatoes. This study piqued my great interest. I was determined to delve deeper into the nutritional value and health benefits of rice and narrowed down to black rice rich in anthocyanins.

People are accustomed to eating white rice, and society as a whole obsessively pursues the taste of rice. How do we increase people's willingness to consume black rice? Even if it contains high levels of anthocyanins, if it's still not tasty after cooking for hours and difficult to chew, people won't choose black rice. Therefore, improving the taste of black rice became a crucial issue. After many arduous efforts, our team finally bred a new variety of black rice called "Huamoxiang." This variety has excellent cooking characteristics and taste, and has received praise from consumers across the country over the years.

We define "Huamoxiang" as a rice-type whole-grain black rice variety. Rice-type means it's different from most black rice on the market, which is usually cooked as a porridge. "Whole-grain" refers to grains that have been dehulled but not further processed, retaining the intact grain structure. "Huamoxiang" black rice retains the embryo, endosperm, pericarp, and husk during processing, enabling the effective utilization of all nutrients and beneficial components in the grain. The "Chinese Residents' Dietary Guidelines (2022)" also recommend consuming 200-300 grams of grain foods daily, including 50-150 grams of whole grains and legumes. Whole grain staple foods are of significant importance to health as they provide more nutrients to the body.

Perhaps few people pay attention to the problem of "computer screen phobia" now. I have been using computers since the 1980s and have spent long hours in front of computer screens in recent decades. Lately, whenever I sit in front of a computer screen for more than two hours, I find it difficult to continue working. Studies have shown that anthocyanins, carotenoids, lutein, and other components abundant in black rice have a protective effect on the eyes, relieving visual fatigue caused by prolonged screen time. I hope black rice can contribute to maintaining eye health.

According to our expectations, consuming black rice can not only help improve the health problems of sub-healthy populations but also provide health support to malnourished populations due to its comprehensive and balanced nutrients. Therefore, black rice should not be exclusive to the wealthy but should be one of the staple food choices for all. It can truly serve the entire society and enter millions of households.

We hope "Huamoxiang" will change people's stereotypical impression of black rice being not tasty. What about the future? Firstly, we hope that in the future, "Huamoxiang" can withstand high temperatures, low temperatures, pests, diseases, and barren land in cultivation. After continuous updates, the variety can become "indestructible." Good seeds mean high yields and high benefits for farmers.

Secondly, truly achieve "whole grain, full nutrition, and full functionality." Compared to ordinary rice, the current "Huamoxiang" whole-grain black rice can provide more protein, various vitamins, minerals, unsaturated fatty acids, and dietary fiber. It is rich in anthocyanins, carotenoids, and lutein. Consuming 200 grams per day for an adult can meet the recommended daily intake of many nutrients.

Moreover, compared to polished rice, whole grains can increase the edible portion by at least 20%, equivalent to a substantial increase in yield, and all the added portions are nutrient-rich. This is of great significance for food security, green development, and increasing farmers' income. We will strive to cultivate new varieties with complete nutrients and high content, contributing to the health of Chinese people, and even humanity, as agricultural science and technology workers.

(Author is an Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Director of the Hongshan Laboratory in Hubei. "China Science Daily" reporters Li Sihui and intern Li Jiayan compiled this article based on his speech at the "Rice-Duck-Shrimp" industrialization and Huamoxiang production technology training conference at the Hongshan Laboratory in Hubei.)