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Academician Wang Qi: Breaking the Habit of "Seeing but Not Perceiving" in Scientific Research

LiSaiHui,DangBoTao Thu, Apr 11 2024 10:33 AM EST

"Different soils nurture different plants, and different constitutions are prone to different diseases." On April 7th, Academician Wang Qi, a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the chief scientist of the National Key Basic Research and Development Program, was invited to the Bohya Lecture Hall of Central China Normal University. In the lecture hall on the first floor of the Science Building, he delivered a special lecture titled "The Story from Zero to One" for faculty and students. 66139755e4b03b5da6d0c785.jpg Academician Wang Qi is at Central China Normal University. Central China Normal University provided the image.

"From zero to one means from nothing to something, it's about initiation, it's about breakthrough." Wang Qi began with the discovery of penicillin, telling his fellow students three "from zero to one" stories. Faced with the increasing variety of diseases, he shifted his mindset from studying "human diseases" to studying the "diseased human," discovering nine human constitutions and advancing "Traditional Chinese Medicine Constitutional Theory" from a subject to a doctrine, making it internationally recognized.

Confronting the countless allergens and traditional treatment methods, he dared to question and seek differences, shifting from studying "allergens" to studying the "allergic individual," successfully exploring new paths for allergic diseases. Faced with the current state of treating single diseases, he broke through stereotypes, embraced complexity, and proposed the theory of "constitutional soil," achieving good results in practice.

"Everyone observes the world, but not everyone discovers something." Wang Qi believes that scientific research requires breaking the habit of "seeing without observing," fostering creativity, sensitivity, and scientific thinking, and maintaining a thirst for knowledge and curiosity.

It is understood that this seminar was initiated by the Ministry of Education, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and the China Association for Science and Technology as part of the "Academician-Normal University Tour" activity.

Before the seminar, President Peng Shuangjie of Central China Normal University had a discussion with Academician Wang Qi. Peng Shuangjie stated that Academician Wang Qi's over half a century of research and practical experience in the field of Traditional Chinese Medicine Constitutional Theory demonstrates his spirit of struggle, masterly demeanor, and patriotic sentiments. The stories of "from zero to one" are not only about breakthroughs in thinking but also inspire breakthroughs in action, providing innovative paths and broader horizons for discovering, analyzing, and solving problems for the vast number of teachers and students.