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Academician Chen Wei: Advancing High-level Training of Emergency Medical Talents Urged

LvYang Sun, Mar 10 2024 03:07 PM EST

On March 8th, in an interview with China News Service, National People's Congress delegate and President of Jiangnan University, Academician Chen Wei of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, emphasized the necessity of accelerating the training of high-level emergency medical talents. Distinguishing emergency medicine from conventional medical practices, he highlighted its urgency in handling critical cases, often in adverse conditions. Despite its crucial role in enhancing emergency rescue capabilities, there remains a significant shortage of qualified personnel.

Academician Chen Wei recommended expediting the cultivation of high-caliber talents in emergency medicine. He proposed bolstering support for universities with strong foundations in emergency medical education, research, and practical applications, enabling them to take up the responsibility of training top-tier emergency medical professionals nationwide. (Reporter: Lv Yang)

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