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5.5G Becomes a Hot Trend! Manufacturers Move into the Era of 5.5G Together

Xiao Lu Mon, Apr 01 2024 08:47 AM EST

Officially announced by OPPO, the OPPO Find X7 series takes the lead in supporting 5.5G mobile communication. Following suit, Han Boxiao, the product manager at vivo, released a speed test chart for the 5.5G network on the vivo X100 Pro. S39d8b87d-bd97-40b4-be18-f26e24ba24e7.jpg From the image, it's evident that the vivo X100 Pro achieved a download speed of 3619.19Mbps and an upload speed of 160.75Mbps in the 5.5G network speed test. Compared to most 5G tests in the market where the download speed typically peaks around 1000Mbps, the download speed of 5.5G is at least three times faster than 5G.

The reason for choosing to announce support for 5.5G yesterday is because China Mobile held the China Mobile 5G-A Commercial Release Conference in Zhejiang, officially announcing the commercial use of China Mobile's 5G Advanced network (5.5G) and planning to apply it in more than 300 cities nationwide.

It's worth mentioning that the world's first 5.5G intelligent core network was first released by Huawei, and this year is also referred to as the commercial first year of 5.5G.

Han Boxiao revealed that starting from April, most smartphone brands, including Huawei, Honor, Meizu, ZTE, and other new flagship models, will gradually support 5.5G networks. This means that after entering April, we will enter the era of 5.5G.

5.5G is also known as 5G-Advanced, which is a stage in the evolution towards 6G. Compared to 5G, 5.5G has significantly improved in connection speed, latency, positioning, reliability, and other aspects, roughly about ten times faster than 5G. s_cba01c285ce04c67b8de1287a585a198.jpg 编辑点评:

虽然对于大多数人来说,5G和5.5G最明显的改变是网速的提升,但实际上它们在未来6G的规划和实现万物互联方面将扮演关键角色。卫星通信有望成为6G的标准技术。随着5.5G的商用推广,我们有理由期待未来在移动通信领域的更多创新和便利。 S1abf1479-45b4-44ea-8ea0-5524ef035ada.jpg