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Highway Stop-and-Go Leads to Collision: Driver's Excuse? "I Was Checking Road Signs"

落木 Thu, Mar 07 2024 01:05 PM EST

On March 2nd, it was reported that on highways where speeds are high and traffic is heavy, sudden deceleration or stopping is not only dangerous but also against the rules. However, there are always individuals who disregard these regulations.

According to the latest case disclosed by the "Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security," on February 27th, at 9:06 PM, on the Jiangxi section of the Fuyin Expressway, Mr. Zhang was driving his car in the fast lane. He missed the exit ramp due to being unfamiliar with the route and decided to stop directly in the fast lane.

This action caused other vehicles behind him to swerve to avoid collision. After 15 seconds, one vehicle failed to evade and collided with Mr. Zhang's car, fortunately resulting in no injuries.

During the investigation, Mr. Zhang claimed he was checking road signs and was afraid he might miss the exit if he kept going, so he reduced his speed and came to a stop. He also stated that he had learned his lesson and would drive straight ahead regardless of any issues encountered in the future, without stopping.

After investigation, the traffic police determined that Mr. Zhang's illegal parking on the highway was the direct cause of the accident, holding him fully responsible. He was fined 200 CNY and had 9 points deducted from his driver's license.

The traffic police remind drivers:

When embarking on long-distance highway journeys, plan your route in advance. Familiarize yourself with the locations of entrance and exit ramps, service areas, gas stations, etc. Pay attention to navigation prompts and road signs along the way. Always switch to the right lane at least 1 kilometer before your exit!

If you accidentally miss an exit and find yourself in a solid line zone, you have no opportunity to change lanes. In this case, continue driving forward until the next exit, and only then exit the highway. Absolutely refrain from changing lanes, sudden braking, stopping, reversing, or driving against traffic! s_1c9d690cd9854d17a566cb37072490ed.png